Friday, November 2, 2012

The Girl Cave!

We've been pretty busy for the last month getting Ng's room renovated. I'm pleased to say we are FINISHED! Well, like 99% finished. There is still a small bit of molding to go behind her door- but you can't really see unless you really look... so SHHHH....

Here is a tour... I hope you like it! Our little monster does- and we kinda wish we could have a room like this ourselves!

So here is what you walk into. The bookcase will get repainted- later. Like, I don't even want to think about it and maybe next summer I will do it. No hurry!
We painted the inside of her closet blue and used scrapbooking paper in the flooring, so it's pretty colorful! Ng picks our her clothes for the week and puts them in the hanging sweater cubbies. This has made getting ready in the morning SO much easier!
Ng decided to use the smaller, more vividly painted dresser in her room (STOLEN from ME!) so her sheets are on her closet shelf. Kinda annoying, but we will deal with it!

Speaking of the dresser, here is a closer look. I repainted it a few years ago (dumpster dive score!) and originally planned it's use for my yarn stash. That didn't last long and it's been used for many other purposes since. Plus, my yarn won't fit in there!
As you can kind of see, her window casings were painted hot pink! And there is a Lady Cottington's Pressed Fairy sticker on her window. We're into squished things...

And now, the BED!
Mark built this whole thingy by himself using mostly free materials! It is so sturdy (it doesn't squeak or move even when the adults are tucking in the princess!) and it's pretty comfy up there. The banisters keep her from jumping off on purpose or rolling off while sleeping. My brother really needed that feature as a child.

Underneath is a desk with art supplies (the desk and chair are from thrift stores!) an ikea table with her dollhouse, and then...
The other side is her dumpster find chair. That's where I sit when I read to her at night. And snuggle in the morning. The wall behind is lined with painted boards to add a bit of color. We keep a few books in a mini shopping cart behind the ladder and a little basket- books everywhere! And there are paper heart lights hung behind for a little mood lighting. The mood being "Go to sleep so we can go watch Netflix!"

Her other wall is just white at the moment with her easel to break it up a bit. I will add a clothesline type contraption to hang her artwork so it will be easy to change out and keep fresh and updated without putting holes in the walls.

Oh yeah! On the upper level is room for her doll beds. It's all very snuggly and sleepy up there...
*complete with a sleep mask... Skippyjon Jones came with his own mask, as you can see. And yes, all the dolls are nekkid. I don't know what's up with that kid and the nekkid dolls. The black, white and teal thing on the wall is a clothesline for her doll clothes. Not that the dolls wear any... but should the need arise... They also have a trunk full of clothes. Once again, just sitting there. Mark also built the doll bunkbeds- it was his trial run. Or something like that. Ng decorated them with a Sharpie. I've made sure there are no more hidden Sharpies in this room. But we did find some hidden candy as we were moving stuff over. I love the look on Ng's face when we uncover that kind of thing...

So that's it! Pretty awesome- if I say so myself!


  1. so Lily says, "When do we get to come see it?"

  2. I love the bed-level! Great space-saver, and it looks fun :)

  3. This is such a fabulous room! I love it!

  4. That turned out so adorably awesome! Love that bed- especially the pink railing. Very cool!

  5. How cute! I want a room like that! (Mr. Social would hate the pink though)
